At this point, they are still living.Īs stated, the victim is completely aware of what is happening but has no control over its body. The host is perfectly aware of what is happening to them, and are incapable of preventing their bodies from attacking and trying to spread the infection.
That however, is not the worst aspect of the infection. The spittle is filled with the squirming larva and eggs, and as such if the spit hits an open wound or gets into any orifice, the creature is able to continue the cycle. The second method is for the zombie to spit at a target. It doesn’t take long for the larva to infect the body and take it over, turning it into a vehicle to spread their progeny. The first and most direct is through a bite, where the zombie infects the victim with the larva. These specially engineered insects would spread through the host’s body, leaving the host perfectly aware of what was happening but at the same time taking away all motor control.Ī Parasite Zombie is created through two methods. The wasp larva bred at incredible speed and are born pregnant with the next generation of larva. The larva could infect a host, quickly taking over and turning it into a feeding machine, whose only purpose is to spread the infection. The creature never grew past its larval form, and even in this stage of existence, it could still produce eggs. The insect was genetically engineered and then infused with necromantic magic. The basic parasite was created using a species of wasp. Thus this particular type of zombie was created. When the host was finally killed, the parasites would simply reanimate the host as an undead creature. Then someone came up with the brilliant idea to create a parasite, which could be used to infect a host, and turn it into a zombie while it was still living. Once the Constitution score reaches at least 1, then the victim regains control of their body and have to live with the consequences of what they may have done.Įvil scientists, while working with necromancers, came up with a terrifying variety of different types of undead, specifically those which follow the classic ‘zombie’ motif. If at this point the parasites and eggs have been destroyed, their bite will no longer infect. As long as the victim’s Constitution remains at zero, they will act like a zombie. It should be noted that once the victims Constitution has reached zero, any type of restoration will have no effect unless the disease is first cured. If the victim is treated to a cure disease or similar such magic, or is treated with any type of drug which will destroy parasites or diseases, the victim can be still saved.
#Zombie parasite game full#
After 1d4 rounds, the creature will arise once again, with full hit points and will have to be destroyed a second time. Once the victim has been reduced to zero hit points, the creature is dead, but will not remain as such. Still living (Su) The victim is still alive, although has taken on the traits of an undead. If the victim has any open wounds, they must then make an additional fort save (DC 13) or become infected. Anyone within 5 feet of the creature must make a reflex save (DC 13) or be splashed by the blood. Spread Parasite (Su) Anytime the creature is hit with a slashing weapon, there is a chance the blood, which is infected with the larva and eggs, will hit those nearby. If the target has any open wounds, see the effects of spread parasite (below). This is considered a ranged attack with a +4 to hit. Infectious Spit (Su) The zombie is able to spit at any target within a 20 foot range. If the victim is able to make three successful saving throws in a row, the parasite and any eggs it has laid are purged from the body, and all lost Constitution will return at the victim’s natural healing rate per day. Technically the victim is not dead at this point, and can still think, but they are nothing more than observers, trapped in their body as it seeks out living targets to bite and infect. If the victim’s Constitution score reaches zero, they are fully infected and are now under the control of parasite. Each hour the victim must make a new saving throw, and if it fails, the victim will lose 1d4 points of Constitution. The victim must make a Fort save (DC 13) or become infected with the parasite and eggs. Infectious Bite (Su) The bite of the Parasite zombie is able to transmit not only the larval parasite but eggs as well. Organization Solitary, small groups (1d6), large groups 3d8), hoards (6d10). Offensive Abilities Infectious bite, infectious spit Perception +0ĭefensive Abilities spread parasite, still living immunities undead immunities